
Electrical Tip of the Week

Electrical Tip of the Week: In homes with small children, make sure your home has tamper-resistant (TR) receptacles.

Electrical Tip of the Week

This week's Electrical Tip is: Place lamps on level surfaces, away from things that can burn and use bulbs that match the lamp's recommended wattage.

Electrical Tip of the Week

This week's electrical tip is: Consider having additional circuits or outlets added by a qualified electrician so you do not have to use extension cords.


If you or anyone you know is interested in the position please contact us!! 

Electrical Tip of the Week

This week's electrical tip is: Make sure your home has ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) in the kitchen bathroom(s), laundry, basement, and outdoor areas.

Electrical Tip of the Week

This week's Electrical Tip is: If outlets or switches feel warm, frequent problems with blowing fuses or tripping circuits, or flickering or dimming lights, call a qualified electrician.

Electrical Tip of the Week

This week's electrical tip is:
Avoid overloading outlets. Plug only one high-wattage appliance into each receptacle outlet at a time

Starting New Luxury Apartment Building

We want to wish our team the best of luck as they start a new luxury apartment building in Jersey City!
This project consists of 49 apartments. As of now our team is starting the rough-in process, but we will keep you posted as the job progrsses!
It might not look like much now but once our team turns it around this building will look stupendous!

Also, don't forget to follow us on facebook and stay updated with other ongoing projects!
Click the link below to follow!

124 unit project

Hey, Everyone!
Check out one of our biggest projects yet! A 124 unit building in North Bergen, New Jersey.
As the electricians for this job, we are currently working on the electrical rough-in!
We will keep you updated on this project as it evolves! 

Hello everyone! Welcome to Our Website!

We are MDC Electrical Contractors, LLC and we are a leading provider for residential and commercial electrical services in New Jersey. We are located in Newark, NJ but have done many jobs across the state of New Jersey. Today we are blogging because we are very excited to announce the launch of our website. Launching this website is a very big deal for us because after all the hard work put into it we can finally share our expertise with every single one of you. 
